Always provide the right information
When it comes to service, your employees need information from a wide variety of sources. This costs time and energy, is a source of errors and wastes potential in aftersales. With Empolis Service Express®, you hand over this task to our patented AI. Nevertheless, you retain full control – without programming.

Solve service cases quickly and reliably
Active Aftersales
Maximize revenue in your spare parts business
Thanks to the knowledge graph, your customers and partners have all the information they need at a glance. This allows you to tap into previously neglected aftersales potential, e.g. through easy up- and cross-selling. In case of broken parts, the knowledge panel always refers to the affected products or components and offers them directly for sale. Learn more now.
Service and Technical Documentation
More and more companies are taking the forward-looking step towards modular content creation. To exploit the full potential of this approach, Empolis Service Express® makes modular content tangible for the service and enables optimal collaboration. Learn more now.
Overcome data silos with 360° data access
One piece of information is all you need to start. Beginning with an error code, you can directly deduce the component in question and trace the device or manufacturer. This makes it easier to check stock levels or order conditions. In this way, you overcome existing silo structures with just a clicks, without having to switch between applications and thus losing valuable time.
Hype Cycle from Gartner
According to Gartner analysts, Knowledge Graph technology has enormous potential. Gartner list its possible applications in 5 hype cycles for everyday business, in order to make distributed knowledge in the company systematically accessible.
Knowledge Graphs for the industry
Knowledge graphs provide a form of artificial intelligence that works the way we humans think. This white paper explains in a comprehensible way the technical background and business added value that Knowledge Graphs offer to the industry.